Categorie: Sample Data-Articles
Hits: 2336

The template provides following built-in styles which you can use to make your content more outstanding. 

Modules with simple styling

Modules Style 3

Modules Style 3 with shadow

Modules Style 3 with rounded corners

Modules with scroll reveal

This sample use following module class suffix: _style3 color3 shadow radius moveup

This sample use following module class suffix: _style3 color2 shadow radius moveup


This sample use following module class suffix: _style3 color2 shadow radius moveup

This sample use following module class suffix: _style3 color3 shadow radius moveup

Modules Style 4

You can also use following suffixes with modules with style4 applied: color1, color2, color3, moveup, movedown, moveleft, moveright.

To use FontAwesome icons in Style4 module type icon name in Header Class field

Modules Style 5

Module Class Suffix _style5 color1 shadow reverse

Module Class Suffix _style5 color2

Module Class Suffix _style5 color3

Modules Style 6


Module Class Suffix _style6 tes-down color1


Module Class Suffix _style6 tes-up color2


Module Class Suffix _style6 tes-down color3

To display person photo, name and stars above or below use tes-up or tes-down.
To display stars below the person name use one of following classes in Header Class field: stars5, stars4, stars3, stars2, stars1

Custom Module With Simple Parallax Image


Module Class Suffix:  _style7
Module Style:  parallax
To align the text vertically use one of following suffixes: text-top, text-middle or text-bottom. By default the text is set on middle.